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An online auction marketplace for collecting and exchanging unique cars, memorabilia, and luxury assets

Digitizing the auction experience and facilitating the convenience of borderless bidding

From vintage classics to modern day supercars, Collectors Xchange is the online auction marketplace where passionate buyers and sellers can connect to bid, sell and exchange their luxury vehicles, memorabilia and other collectibles.

Requirements and Solutions



A portable auction system that can work on multiple devices, including phone, laptop or tablet


Developed a comprehensive web platform, Android and iOS apps to render portability into the auction process. The platforms are fully optimized for web, mobile, and search engines.

Intuitive design


Easy to use even if one has no experience with brick-and-mortar auction houses


Built an intuitive design by integrating user-friendly features like the listing of live and upcoming auctions, history of bids, buyer-seller direct communication, admin support, filters & searches and user accounts.

How does Collectors Xchange work?

Sellers can upload pictures and information about their luxury assets on the platform
Admins can monitor and verify the requests before putting them on display for buyers.
Buyers can review information about cars and propose their bids.

Our Solution Features

Search and Filters for easy navigation across the app
Search and Filters for easy navigation across the app
Detailed Info About Cars along with photos, tech details, certificates and other statistics
Integrated Payment facility for quick and secured transaction settlement
Integrated Payment facility for quick and secured transaction settlement

Technologies Used